Leaf lettuce - valuable composition and beneficial properties

Thanks to the complex of vitamins contained in leaf lettuce, it can be safely called one of the most useful vegetables. It has the highest calcium content among vegetables and minerals after spinach. In combination with other vegetables, the salad leaf reveals its taste and gives the dish a bright shade, as well as an appetizing and fresh look.

It is difficult to say which country is considered the birthplace of lettuce. Now it is cultivated almost everywhere. And it is not surprising that this culture won the sympathy of vegetable growers not only due to the relative unpretentiousness in cultivation, but also due to the amazing richness of forms, colors and taste, combined with a high content of nutrients and vitamins in its leaves.

There are a large number of types of salads. They differ in both form and color of leaves - from light green to burgundy. All types of salads are incredibly tasty and healthy. Varieties of salad with colorful motley leaves are very decorative and look great in the garden. In cooking, salad is often used to decorate a variety of dishes, giving them brightness and originality.

Unique composition: minimum calories and maximum values Salad is a low-calorie product (100 g contains only 16 kcal), which includes: vitamins C, PP, E, B1, B2, B6, B9, K, H, choline, beta-carotene, potassium, magnesium, chlorine, calcium, sulfur, phosphorus, zinc, selenium, iron, carbohydrates, ash, sugars, nitrogenous substances, fats, water, starch, proteins, dietary fiber.

Vitamins of group B

The B vitamins included in the salad normalize blood pressure and improve sleep.

Folic acid

Young leaves of the plant contain a large amount of folic acid, which beneficially affects the reproductive function of the body.

Vitamin K

Salad is an indispensable food for people with diabetes. There is a large amount of vitamin K that can regulate blood coagulation. Salad promotes bone tissue regeneration, restores the water-salt balance in the body, improves metabolism, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and lowers blood cholesterol.

Calcium and magnesium

Lettuce is rich in calcium and magnesium. As you know, calcium is the main building material for bone tissue, tooth enamel, it is part of tissue and cell fluids, helps maintain normal blood composition. Magnesium helps to normalize the activity of muscle fibers, while maintaining the structure of cells.


The composition of the salad also includes lactacin - a unique substance with the ability to calm the central nervous system and remove excess salts from the body.

Alkaloids and carotenoids

The salad contains many alkaloids, which help alkalize the body, and carotenoids, which help maintain visual acuity for a long time. According to scientists, daily consumption of 100 g of salad prevents Alzheimer's disease.